Posts filed under “education”

Architecting. What Makes An Architect An Architect?

So I came across another interesting article, “Architecting Your Exit”. Now I initially found this odd because not much design goes into the exiting of a building. The building code has very specific criteria with thousands of minimums and maximums that govern how high, how wide, how low and how many. All contained in 184 […]

The Road Crit. What An Architect Won’t Do For You.

As a student of architecture you become quite familiar with ‘the crit’. This is where your work is continually scrutinized and critiqued, sometimes brutally. These sessions usually take on one of two formats, the desk crit or the wall crit.  A wall crit involves the whole class and one to four+ critics consisting of professors, recent graduates, local architects, etc. These sessions […]

Do I need an architect? (Part 1)

You have a few acres to build a single family home or purchased a 100yr old home that needs a gut renovation. You have a tight budget and are concerned about spending it efficiently. So you ask yourself, “do I need an architect?”. Depending on the size and scope of your project you might not […]